These stats are from Simplejob database. Blue-collar, retail, hospitability and white-collar job ads, between 23.06.2022 and 16.01.2024. comparing the same advertisement with text-picture and video ad numbers.
These datas are from Simplejob admin interface, between 23.06. 2022 and 16.01.2024, the average of 21 video job ad.
Let's look at two examples. Achievements of the same company, with the same job advertisement. Once the ad was posted with a picture, once with video cover. Numbers speak louder than words. Do you also need relevant candidates?
These datas are of recruitment videos posted on Simplejob's TikTok account (01.06.2022 - 16.01.2024)
We take all the burden off your shoulders.
We work out the concept together with you. In addition, we boost your video with the faces of Simplejob and/or with your employees (recommended), at your working place (shop, factory, office) Post production, cut, caption - it's our job.
We post your job ad on Simplejob's social sites. We boost your video with paid and targeted ads. We even moderate comments, you still have nothing to do.
All you have to do is select the most suitable candidate. Sounds great, right?
We take all the burden off your shoulders right up to the selection of the right candidate, to save you time and money.
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